During December, the stock market endured a rollercoaster of ups and downs. The volatility created fear for many in regards to their retirement savings and the future of the economy. While the fluctuations may cause concern, it is important to stay the course and remain emotionally disciplined during these times.
Author: John
Protecting Yourself from a Cyber-Attack
How do you prepare yourself from a cyber-attack on your personal information? Something you check daily may be the number one threat. The inbox for your personal or work email is often where the number one threat to harmful content and click bait occurs. Spoofed and fake emails pose the greatest risk to the average person.
Explaining Finance
Personal finance can be stressful! Many people begin their professional careers without a basic understanding of numerous helpful financial basics, including the definition of compound interest, or the difference between a Roth IRA and a 401K (or why they need either of them). Learn how we simplify the jargon into the essential concepts you need to know.
Oregon Cultural Trust
Oregon is known for its abundant outdoor gifts – lush forests, cascading rivers, rugged coastlines. Peel away this natural beauty and you’ll also find that Oregon is rich in cultural wealth. From art fairs and world-class plays to rodeos and musical festivals, Oregon offers a breadth of fun, learning and adventure to those seeking to discover it.