While many people state they are going to be a millionaire or want to be a millionaire, it takes more than just a statement and a full-time job to reach this goal. Reaching your goal will require a millionaire mindset and a plan to execute. Planning can be easy if you are developing your small goals and large goals in alignment. This allows you to create a timeline for yourself.
The timeline won’t necessarily be certain dates, but instead the series of events and the order in which you would like them to take place. Make sure to write this down and make adjustments as necessary; like additions or unexpected events. Ambitious goals require deliberate action and execution to attain.
When developing your plan, there are a few categories to consider. A great way to break it down is financial goals, work goals, and personal goals. Financial goals may consist of savings, investments, and spending habits. If you tend to be stressed by money, a financial advisor can help you create a personalized plan with retirement in mind. Work goals could be a promotion, expanding your business, or working with more clients. Personal goals can range from marriage and children, to learning new languages or getting your MBA. “Ninety-two percent of the millionaires surveyed develop a long-term plan for their money, and 97% almost always achieve the goals they set for themselves.” – Chris Hogan, Everyday Millionaires: How Ordinary People Built Extraordinary Wealth — and How You Can Too
Here are some relatable, easy to put into action suggestions for your plan:
Plan your Day
Highly successful people tend to have a routine they follow every day, starting as soon as they wake up. Creating success is a mindset followed by action. Instead of hitting snooze three times and rushing off to work, they give themselves time to make their bed, brew coffee, go for a walk, reply to emails, or read a chapter of their current book. They also work to prioritize the tasks that need completed that day. After work, they try to make it home in time for dinner and sit down to enjoy their meal with family or friends instead of rushing through the night. Just like planning your day at work, this should be done for the times outside of the work environment as well. Often an agenda or a phone calendar can make this much easier.
Write Down your Goals
Writing down how you are going to reach your short and long-term goals keeps you focused. Execute your plan daily. Without action, your goals are just thoughts. This is a critical step in achieving success. When planning your long-term goals, short-term goals can be made that align with your overall vision. If you have a long-term goal of getting a promotion, then your short-term goals may include securing a big contract, growing your network, and getting all of your tasks completed on time. If you are on autopilot and aren’t deliberately working towards your written goals daily, they won’t be achieved.
Plan for Change
Dreaming and planning for big ambitious goals is great, yet things are bound to not always go just as you envision. Something you can do to prepare yourself for this inevitability is thinking about a goal and what could hinder you from reaching it. This will allow you to have a plan of action when things don’t go your way. Keep perspective and maintain a positive outlook.
Goal setting and planning go hand in hand; with every goal set, a plan should follow to decide how you are going to reach it. Turn your dreams into action, turn your goals into reality. Change your mindset, change your outcome!